Recently elected Tribal Council member, Marvin Pinnecoose, has stepped into the role of Treasurer, a role he seems well suited for.
Pinnecoose spoke to his career while running for election in November, “While in Las Vegas, I worked 19 years for Nike, and worked my way up from a part-time sales associate to a corporate liaison of Native American projects (such as field feedback and development for N7). I was involved in the Retail Diversity Council of Nike and my focus was on employee morale and retention. I became a store manager within a 31-million-dollar store, and we were ranked 2nd in the company.”
“I also worked five years at Amazon in the return’s fulfillment center in Las Vegas. I was an Operations Manager and directly supervised over 350 people on any given shift,” Pinnecoose said. “My leadership style is hybrid of delegation and follow-up, and that is for accountability reasons, but also lead-by-example, which is to inspire and show the team the speed and accuracy of the job I was asking them to do.”
“I moved back home in May of 2021 and immediately began working for the Cultural Preservation Department which has allowed me to learn about the formalities and procedures of the Tribe,” Pinnecoose said.
Past Treasurers include current council members Marge Barry and Lorelei Cloud. The Treasurer is appointed by the Tribal Council, and is a position established by the constitution of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe.
The position of Treasurer is a big job. The Treasurer is responsible for the following responsibilities: Signature on Permanent Fund checks, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Chairman of the Investment Committee, Reporting to the membership at General Membership meetings and through other communications and initial process planning, along with the Executive Office, Chairman, and Finance Department, on the annual budget process for the Permanent Fund.