Seeking solace in nature
Friday - April 24, 2020 by Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
The Weminuche Wilderness rises high above the valley floor, stretching as far as the eye can see, snowcapped peaks define the northernmost horizon in springtime; snowmelt begins to fill the thirsty streams and reservoirs below.
A pair of Canadian Geese shelter on the lake shore, returning to their annual nesting sites each spring, these birds remain vigilant and alert.
A singe Osprey returns from wintering grounds as far south as Central America, drawn back to a familiar stand of trees, eagerly awaiting the arrival of a mate.
Birds glide across the glassy surface of Vallecito lake before the dawn.
A lone goose takes flight above the evergreen forest in the early morning light. Canadian Geese make their home in the Vallecito Valley, flocking together along the shores for protection, they are creatures of habit.
The craggy peaks of Sheridan Mountain and Amhurst loom over the Vallecito Valley to the north, blanketed by winter’s deep snowpack.
Wildlife abounds along the shores of Vallecito Lake, while waterfowl are the most predominant species, the occasional fox, or coyote makes its way along the water’s edge.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum

In the time of social distancing, nature provides a great solace for the human spirit. The animals, who go about their springtime affairs unaffected by coronavirus, remind us that the natural world carries on. Birds wake well before dawn, when the air is still cool and quiet. The sun warms the highest peaks first, where winter’s snow lingers on into late April, eventually touching the valley floor. Mist lifts off the water’s surface with the coming of the day. Our mental and physical health is tied to the landscapes that surrounds us, and time outdoors can ease our minds as we fill our lungs with fresh air and stretch our bodies. This connection to nature reminds us that the world is much larger than us, and together we will preserver.