10 Years Ago: Southern Ute Chairman Pearl E. Casias presents Orion Watts, a 2011 Ignacio High School graduate, with a personalized Pendleton blanket during the Southern Ute Education Department’s Education Banquet on Friday, 24, at the Multi-Purpose Facility as Vice-chairman Mike Olguin looks on. Nearly 50 students were honored for academic achievements. This photo was first published in the July 1, 2011, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
40 Years Ago: A group of Southern Ute tribal members and the home extension agent traveled to Las Cruces, N.M., to attend the Homemakers College held at New Mexico State University. Those that attended the event were Gerald and Deni Howe, Bertha Groves, Connie Baker, Jessie T. Jefferson, Eva Cook, Terry Box, Eileen Wasserbach and Sharon Cloud. Sarah Baker and Effie Monte (above) stand with other homemakers graduates at the banquet on Friday, June 19, 1983. This photo was published in the July 3, 1981, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
30 Years Ago: Tour guide Raymond Tom (upper right) explains Anasazi architectural skills to 63 tribal employees at the Ute Mountain Tribal Park. Old corncobs, animal bones, tools and pottery pieces were still visible from the trail, as well as fingerprints in the mortar. The day-long field trip in Lion Canyon was organized by the Wildlife Department. This photo was published in the July 1, 1991, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
20 Years Ago: One of the purposes of Heritage Night is to familiarize our young ones with powwow etiquette and get them accustomed to dancing in front of people. Here, we see some of our young ladies: Sage Rodhe, Springwind Frost, Allie Seibel (partially hidden), Felicia Woodhull, Serena Fournier, Nicole Woodhull, and Cloe Seibel (partially hidden), who is dancing with her mom, Melanie Seibel. This photo was published in the June 29, 2001, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
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