10 Years Ago: Eleanor Frost (left), Southern Ute tribal member and museum technician, assists Miss Southern Ute First Alternate Sage Rohde (center) and other Southern Ute Royalty members in cutting the ribbon to officially open the Southern Ute Community Center & Museum’s doors to the tribal membership during the “Circle of Life” dedication ceremony held in the courtyard on May 14, 2011.
This photo was first published in the May 20, 2011, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
20 Years Ago: The Ignacio Elementary school held their annual Field Day event on May 9, 2001. Students from grades 1-6 participated in such activities as a three-legged race, relay races, a “human” obstacle course, and a tug-o-war match.
This photo was published in the May 18, 2001, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
30 Years Ago: Rikki Santistevan and Snowbird Frost eye the camera before they perform in Denver at the Western American Indian Trade Show and International Exposition. Rikki and Snowbird were among an entourage of Southern Ute tribal members who made the journey to the State Capitol for the event which was held in the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver.
This photo was published in the May 17, 1991, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
40 Years Ago: Chairman Leonard C. Burch, gave a brief speech along with John Baker, Sr., who was the main speaker for the recent Southern Ute Graduate Banquet hosted at the Strater Hotel. Pictured is graduate Williamette Thompson receiving her award and Mrs. Irene Burch in the background.
This photo was published in the May 22, 1981, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Robert Ortiz | SU Drum Archive
Photo Credit: Oolcu Buckskin | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive

Many Moons Ago
Friday - May 21, 2021 by Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Tags: Chairman Leonard C. Burch, Circle of Life, Colorado State Capitol, Eleanor Frost, Field Day, Ignacio Elementary School, Miss Southern Ute First Alternate Sage Rohde, Mrs. Irene Burch, Rikki Santistevan, Snowbird Frost, Southern Ute Community Center & Museum, Southern Ute Graduate Banquet, Southern Ute Royalty, Western American Indian Trade Show and International Exposition, Williamette Thompson