Photo Credit: Ace Stryker | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: Blenda Ortiz | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: courtesy Jeff Jefferson | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Many Moons Ago
Friday - October 9, 2020 by Staff report | The Southern Ute Drum
Tags: Blanket Dance, chairmen of the three Ute tribes, Chief Seattle’s 1852 letter to the United States Government, Council Tree Powwow, Delta Colorado, Hoop Dancer Joey Summers, J.R. Jefferson, Jennifer Dixon, Miss Indian Colorado Marcy Herrera, Miss Southern Ute 1st Alternate Brandi Naranjo, Miss Southern Ute Deanna Frost, Miss Southern Ute Verna Velasquez, Miss Ute Mountain Ute Donitta Lobato, Northern Ute Chairman Curtis Cesspooch, Sheila Ryder, Southern Ute Chairman Matthew J. Box, Southern Ute Ute Royalty, Towaoc Colorado, Tri-Ute Council bylaws, Tri-Ute Games, Up With People, Ute Mountain Health Center Dedication, Ute Mountain Ute Chairman Ernest House Sr