Many Moons Ago
Friday - March 16, 2018 by Staff report | The Southern Ute Drum
20 Years Ago: March 2 was Dr. Seuss day, in celebration of the life of Ted Geisel a.k.a the Doc. Tribal leaders like Councilor Vida Peabody commemorated the children’s author’s birthday by coming to the Education Center and reading to the tribe’s littles ones. Abel Velasquez, Dewayne Richards, Roman Seibel and Jaryn Watts listen attentively.
This photo first appeared in the March 13, 1998, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
10 Years Ago: Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy students and their teachers (back row) Cecelia Ross and Mary Jo Owens gather around Jon Broholm who is holding a bag with some more roundtail chub to be put inside of the fish tank. Students will be monitoring the fish until they are released into the Los Pinos River in May. This photo first appeared in the Feb. 29, 2008, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
30 Years Ago: Southern Ute Councilmen (l-r) Guy Pinnecoose and Gerald Howe; Ute Mountain Ute Chairman Ernest House, and Southern Ute Chairman Leonard C. Burch in Washington D.C. This photo first appeared in the March 4, 1988, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archive
Photo Credit: R.C. Lucero | SU Drum Archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archive