Honoring Dispatchers

The second week of April is designated as National 911 Telecommunications Week. The Southern Ute Police Department, Tribal Rangers, Division of Gaming, Detention, Los Pinos Fire and Ignacio Police Department all came together on Wednesday, April 12 to honor our SUPD dispatchers and their families.
All these different departments and divisions contributed food and gifts for the dispatchers.
SUPD dispatchers TJ Herrera, Dolores Gallegos, Brenna Atcitty, Amber Albo, Faren Burch, Jonathan Chavarillo, Julie Smith, Lucinda Tyler-Nez and Roxanne Shepard.
These men and women give up countless hours of their time with family and friends to ensure the dispatcher center runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are the first to receive that call for help in the middle of the night. We couldn’t do our jobs without them. We wanted to come together as a group, to honor them; and thank their families for their support.
Thank You,
Lt. Chris Naranjo, SUPD