10 Years Ago: The Southern Ute Tribe had three Tribal Rangers on the Southwest Regional Shoot Team and two from the Jicarilla Apache Tribe. Members are (left to right): Jr. Charles Ruybal, Sr. Abel Velasquez, Raphael Watts, Owen Phone and Russell Vigil. The Top Gun Award also went to the Southwest Region, taken by Raphael Watts, Sr. Each region is presented by 5 shoot team members. The regions are Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, Great Lakes, Northeast, and Southeast regions. The Southern Ute Tribe has been a member of the Society for 21 years. This photo first appeared in the July 7, 2006, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
20 Years Ago: Drizzling rain did not stop anyone from having a good time at Lake Capote last week. Juaquin Trujillo (l) reels in his catch while Richard Box (r) gets the net ready. Both boys enjoyed an afternoon of fishing at Lake Capote June 26. Trujillo is enrolled in the Southern Ute Recreation Program which sponsored the field trip. Box is one of the seven JTPA youths working for the recreation department. This photo first appeared in the July 3, 1996, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
30 Years Ago: Miss Southern Ute Royalty at the Northern Ute 4th of July Powwow. Right - left: Jody Dickson, Mikki Naranjo and Cheryl Frost. This photo first appeared in the July 11, 1986, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive

Many Moons Ago
Thursday - July 7, 2016 by Staff report | The Southern Ute Drum
Tags: Abel Velasquez Jr., Charles Ruybal Sr., Cheryl Frost, Jicarilla Apache Tribe, Jody Dickson, JTPA youths, Juaquin Trujillo, Lake Capote, Many Moons Ago, Mikki Naranjo, Miss Southern Ute Royalty, Northern Ute 4th of July Powwow, Owen Phone, Raphael Watts, Raphael Watts Sr., Richard Box, Russell Vigil, Southern Ute Recreation Program, Southern Ute Tribe, Southwest Regional Shoot Team, Tribal Rangers