Participants in the “Cupid Shuffle” contest show off their best moves to compete for first place on Friday, Feb. 14 at the Multi-Purpose Facility. The dance also featured a cake walk and a round dance contest which highlighted a variety of music.
Maria Rivera poses with her grandmother Mary Inez Cloud, her daughter Jaelyn Alston, and son Charles Alston after having a dinner hosted by the Multi-Purpose Facility — right before the lights were dimmed for the dance on Friday, February 14.
Dance attendee Daisy Bluestar picks out some baked goods from Patty Mickey who was selling sweets separate from the concession.
Photo Credit: Fabian Martinez | Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Fabian Martinez | Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Fabian Martinez | Southern Ute Drum
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Do the Cupid Shuffle

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