Former classmates from Bayfield High School meet up at Eagle Park for their 50-year class reunion and luncheon, pictured l-r: Dale Archuleta, Barbie McInnes Foley, Mickey Foley, and Rod Grove.
Members of the Bayfield High School graduating class of 1969 stand together five decades later during their High School reunion: Back row, left to right; Barbie McInnes Foley, Carl Comyford, Louis Wiebe, Allan Larson, Debbie Zellner Clark. Front row, left to right; Dale Archuleta, Donna Atkinson, Rod Grove, Leroy Sanchez. Rod Grove and Carl Comyford both served in Vietnam.
Graduating seniors from Bayfield High School, class of 1969, Sandra Burch, Elsie Chavez, Roderick Grove, and Byron Frost.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Drum Archives

Class of ’69
Friday - September 27, 2019 by Jeremy Wade Shockley | The Southern Ute Drum