Owner: The Southern Ute Indian Tribe (SUIT)
Utilities Division
PO Box 1137
16360 Hwy 172
Ignacio, CO 81137
Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of the SUIT UTILITIES DIVISION WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT CONCRETE REPAIR PROJECT will be received by the Owner at the offices of the SUIT Utilities Division, until 2:00 p.m. (M.D.S.T.), Thursday, May 23, 2019.The bids shall be reviewed by the Utilities Division and all Contractors shall be notified of the qualified low bidder.
Bid security:
A Bid security, in the form of a Bid Bond, Cashiers Check or Certified Check in the amount of 5% of the bid amount, must accompany each Bid.
The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Construction Performance and Payment Bonds as security for the faithful performance of the Contract.
Description of Work: The reinforced concrete oxidation ditch, clarifier, digester, and headworks structures at the wastewater treatment plant have experienced spalling and deterioration along edges of stairs and platforms, especially at safety railing post locations. The project consists of repairing the spalled and deteriorated portions of the concrete structure. Only contractors qualified in concrete repair work shall be allowed to bid on this project.
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) has established a preference for contracting and subcontracting to certified Indian Owned businesses. A bid preference of 5% will be given to any qualified Native American owned company. To receive this preference, Native American owned companies must be certified by the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s TERO. Any Native American owned business not certified by the due date will not be given a preference. For information on certification, contact the TERO office at 970-563-0117.
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informality in the bid process and to accept the bids deemed, in the opinion of the Tribe, to be in the best interest of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe.
Prospective BIDDERS are REQUIRED to attend the MANDATORY pre-bid meeting onThursday, May 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM at the Southern Ute Indian Tribe Utilities Division Office, located at 16360 Hwy 172, Ignacio, CO 81137.
THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following location:
126 Rock Point Drive, Suite A, Durango, Colorado 81301.
(970) 247-1705
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Utilities Division
16360 Hwy 172
Ignacio, CO 81137
(970) 563-5500
A $50(fifty dollars), non-refundable deposit will be required for each printed set. Digital (PDF) plans are available by sending an email request to or written request to the above address.
TO BE PUBLISHED ON: April 26, 2019 for the SUIT Drum
April 26, April 29, and May 1, 2019 for the
Durango Herald