Kids in the 5-8-year-old Easter egg hunt rush to the SunUte Baseball field to grab eggs full of goodies.
Orion Watts races to find as many Easter eggs as he can on Saturday, April 20 at SunUte Park where the Ignacio Community Easter Egg Hunt was held.
Landon Myles participates in this year’s 5-8-year-old Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 20 at the SunUte Baseball fields.
Bobbie Rosa of the Southwest Rainbow Youth initiative helps a customer purchase baked goods. The Rainbow Youth were this year’s food vendors for the Community Easter Egg Hunt.
Stoney White Thunder, his brother Curtis White Thunder and Tavian Box run to find goodies at the SunUte fields on Saturday, April 20 during the 9-14-year-old Easter egg hunt.
Elijah Weaver braces himself to catch an egg during the “Egg Toss” that was hosted by the Sunshine Cloud Smith Youth Advisory Council in the SunUte Fields after the Easter egg hunts.
Sierra Red and Jace Carmenoros race together for first place in the “Three-Legged Race”.
Cristovan Gonzales places Easter eggs that he found into his basket during the Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt.
Nakai Box flashes a smile as he hunts for as many Easter eggs as he can find on the SunUte fields.
Romeo Thomas and Christian Casio prepare to race in the field games sponsored by the Sunshine Cloud Smith Youth Advisory Council.
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Hoppy Easter indeed
The annual Ignacio Community Easter Egg Hunt hid well over 9,000 eggs this year. The hunt was held at the SunUte Park on Saturday, April 20. Kids and their parents came together for this special event. Through the collaborative efforts of the Southern Ute Police Department, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, the Boys & Girls Club of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, the Los Pinos Fire Department and the Ignacio Chamber of Commerce this event was made possible. Each organization worked together to put this hunt on for the community, families and of course the kids.
Bobbie Rosa,
Boys and Girls Club,
Christian Casio,
Cristovan Golzales,
Curtis White Thunder,
Elijah Weaver,
Ignacio Chamber of Commerce,
Ignacio Community Easter Egg Hunt,
Jace Carmenoros,
Landon Myles,
Los Pinos Fire Department,
Nakai Box,
Orion Watts,
Romeo Thomas,
Sierra Red,
Southern Ute Indian Tribe,
Southern Ute Police Department,
Southwest Rainbow Youth,
Stoney White Thunder,
Sunshine Cloud Smith Youth Advisory Council,
SunUte Park,
Tavian Box