Morgann Graham, Diabetes Program Manager with Shining Mountain Health and Wellness held a luncheon to raise awareness surrounding Cervical Cancer in the Buckskin Charley meeting room on Friday, Jan. 20. Southern Ute Councilwoman Marge Barry gave the invocation and prayer before the meeting started (Councilwoman Linda Baker attended as well). Graham spoke about the risks of young adults getting cervical cancer through different STI’s and how important it is for ages 11-26 to get their HPV vaccine. If you have any questions regarding this luncheon and want to learn more, contact Morgann Graham at 970-563-2349 or email: mograham@southernute-nsn.gov
Margret Manzanares and Eliyah Lucero, both employees of Sun Ute Recreation Center, attended the Cervical Cancer Awareness Luncheon held at the Leonard C. Burch building, Friday, Jan. 20.
Photo Credit: Krista Richards | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Krista Richards | SU Drum

Cervical Cancer luncheon
Thursday - January 26, 2023 by Krista Richards | The Southern Ute Drum