The state has launched an official outbreak data map on that displays the location of all confirmed outbreaks reported to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and will be updated each Wednesday with information from the weekly outbreak surveillance report. The map will provide further consistency, accuracy, and transparency around COVID-19 outbreak data.
The map displays locations of active outbreaks using symbology based on the outbreak setting, and resolved outbreaks are shown using a gray marker. Users can click on each active or resolved outbreak to view additional details, including the date the outbreak was determined to be an outbreak, the date it was resolved if applicable, and the number of confirmed and probable cases and deaths. Additional outbreak data and visualizations of that data can be found on CDPHE’s data page by clicking on “Outbreaks.” A full list of outbreak locations is available at
The CDPHE is committed to transparency and to empowering the public and our partners through access to COVID-19 data and information. Continue to stay up to date by visiting