The Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy (SUIMA) had their Open House on Thursday, Aug. 17 on campus. Students and their families were able to drop off their school supplies and meet their teachers and classmates. Pictured are Mary and Patrick Eagle and their children, Gunner Eagle, TJ Monte and Marcia Monte.
Upper Elementary teacher, Mae Yazzie-Pino sat down with students to go over paperwork and expectations in the classroom.
Lower Elementary teacher Danielle Burns greets Tenetke and his mom LeAnn Wesley during the open house on Thursday, Aug. 17.
Kairi Ruybal spends times with the Primary classroom’s new pet guinea pig.
Photo Credit: Krista Richards | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Krista Richards | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Krista Richards | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Krista Richards | SU Drum

Montessori welcomes students
Wednesday - August 23, 2023 by Krista Richards | The Southern Ute Drum