SUIMA students move up!

A warm and golden morning welcomed family members and friends in celebration of their Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy (SUIMA) students moving up into a new class or into the public schools on Friday, May 26 on the lawn by Tribal Council Chambers. Over 30 students transitioned from all levels within the SUIMA with classmates, parents and families cheering them on. An opening prayer was provided by Southern Ute Chairman, Melvin J. Baker and presentation of the colors by Southern Ute Veterans Association and Upper Elementary students with an honor song provided by Southern Ute Singers. SUIMA Principal, Mari Jo Owens, and Education Department Director, LaTitia Taylor gave welcoming remarks and handed out certificates to the transitioning students. Following the ceremony, SUIMA students began the annual tradition of walking to the Bear Dance grounds for the traditional dance’s opening.