The Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum (SUCCM) held an opening reception for the ‘Inside Out 2.0: 21st Century Native American Artist’ exhibit. The reception was open to the community and was held on Friday, Oct. 18. Featured artists – Oreland C. Joe Sr., Hyrum Joe, Norman Lansing, Edward Burch Box III, Lindsay J. Box, Elise Redd and Rhianna Carel – all have their pieces of art showcased in the Museum. Everything from traditional to contemporary techniques, topics and media are all housed in the exhibit. Pay the SUCCM a visit to view the artists personal collections of work.

Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum Director, Susan Cimburek and Inside Out 2.0 featured artist, Edward Box III stand together at the entrance of the exhibit entrance to welcome and greet guests on Friday, Oct. 8.
Featured Artist from the ‘Inside Out 2.0: 21st Century Native American Artist’ exhibit, Oreland C. Joe Sr. talks about his art with SunUte Community Center Director, Robin Duffy-Wirth during the opening reception of the exhibit on Friday, Oct. 8.
Southern Ute Tribal Councilmember, Vanessa Torres welcomes guests and artists to the opening reception of the Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum’s ‘Inside Out 2.0: 21st Century Native American Artist’ exhibit on Friday, Oct. 8.
Southern Ute Chairman Mel Baker takes the time to view the art and visit with artists during the opening reception of the Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum’s ‘Inside Out 2.0: 21st Century Native American Artist’ exhibit on Friday, Oct. 8.
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum

SUCCM exhibit opens to public
Friday - October 22, 2021 by McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Tags: Edward Box III, Edward Burch Box III, Elise Redd, Featured Artist from the ‘Inside Out 2.0: 21st Century Native American Artist’ exhibit, Hyrum Joe, Inside Out 2.0 featured artist, Lindsay J. Box, Media, Norman Lansing, Opening Reception, Oreland C. Joe Sr., Rhianna Carel, Robin Duffy-Wirth, Southern Ute Chairman Mel Baker, Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum Director, Southern Ute Tribal Councilmember, SunUte Community Center Director, Susan Cimburek, The Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum (SUCCM), topics, traditional to contemporary techniques, Vanessa Torres