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Vaughn retires following 19 years with Southern Ute Growth Fund 

Patrick Vaughn, Non-Energy Director, retired from the Southern Ute Growth Fund last week after almost 19 years of service. The Growth Fund celebrated Vaughn’s accomplishments by hosting a retirement luncheon in his honor.
Photo Credit: Lindsay J. Box | Tribal Council Affairs

Growth Fund restructures executive leadership roles following Vaughn’s departure 

 The Southern Ute Growth Fund (SUGF) announced the restructuring of their leadership team after the retirement of Non-Energy Operating Director, Patrick Vaughn. Tribal Council attended a retirement celebration for Vaughn, Monday, March 14, at the Growth Fund headquarters in Ignacio. Vaughn is retiring and leaving a legacy of success which generations to come with benefit from; he was commended for his 18 years of dedicated service to the tribal organization. 

  Tribal Council members expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Vaughn for his outstanding work. “As Ute, we are taught to take care of each other and Mother Earth and leave things better than when we received it, Mr. Vaughn you have done that in your time here at the Growth Fund,” stated Council Member Dr. Stacey Oberly.  

  In his 18 years and nine months with the SUGF, Vaughn accomplished a great deal and successfully executed various investments/divestments in accordance with the Tribe’s Financial Plan. His accomplishments include the planning and development of Three Springs — including seeing the community annexed and zoned into the City of Durango; successfully sought approval and secured funding for the US 550 / 160 Interchange; shepherded the SUGF’s Real Estate and Private Equity through the Great Recession, making positive returns on tribal assets; oversaw the diversification of portfolio and the growth of Private Equity; doubled the value of SUGF Private Equity in five years, and more than doubled the value of Real Estate in the past 10 years.  

  “I am very fortunate to have been in my position, to see the Growth Fund grow, mature, and succeed. I would like to thank Tribal Council for the trust placed in me while in this position. It has been an honor and privilege to work on behalf of the tribal membership,” Vaughn stated. He is looking forward to enjoying his time on his ranch, spoiling his grandchild and traveling the world.  

  The retirement of Vaughn, as the Non-Energy Director, prompted a change to better align executive leadership roles within their respective functional areas of expertise. The reorganization of the Tribe’s business entity also brings additional cost savings to SUGF operations. 

“The reorganization of the Southern Ute Growth Fund continues to strengthen our ability to efficiently and professionally manage the Tribe’s portfolio,” stated Shane Seibel Southern Ute Growth Fund Director. 

The Growth Fund’s own Kourtney Hadrick has assumed the title of Operating Director and will now oversee the GF Properties Group, LLC and GF Ventures, LLC. Hadrick will continue to manage the Growth Fund’s energy operations including Red Willow Production Company, Red Cedar Gathering Company, Aka Energy Group, and Department of Energy. 

Darrell Owen, Finance Director, will now lead GF Private Equity Group, LLC. Shane Seibel will continue his role as Executive Director.  


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