Advantage Basketball camps is a national camp that is rated #2 in the country by Kids Sports Illustrated.
I started taking my Wildcat team to the Advantage camps long ago – back in 2007, I believe. The camps run by Keiko Yoshimini. The camps are an excellent way for kids and teens to brush up on their dribbling, ball handling, and shooting skills.
I have taken my kids and my team to different camps and this is the one I stand behind because they really do teach minute to minute.
This is the second year we’ve brought it to Ignacio with the aid and support of the following working together to get this done: Kevin Winkler at SunUte, Gail Pena at the HR Dept/SUIT, the Tribal Council and XO’s for the SUIT, Heidi Doscher and Travis Garlick at Sky Ute Casino Resort, and myself, Naomi Russell – coach and volunteer for the Ignacio Wildcats.
We hope to continue this for as long as the public has an interest. Sign ups begin late December through the end of July of each year. We plan to have the camp in Ignacio the first full week of August annually.
Thank you!
Naomi Russell
SUCAP Central Admin.