The students of the Upper Elementary at the Southern Ute Indian Academy tour the Growth Fund Building on Jan. 14. The class is pictured on the first floor of the Growth Fund Administration Building. This photo was published in the Jan. 21, 2005, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Augusta Burch, program specialist and Casandra Sanchez, program coordinator for Boys and Girls Club proudly hold up The Club signs outside the BGC headquarters. This photo was published in the Jan. 23, 2015, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
BULL Fest ‘95’ - The Sky Ute Downs and Bad Moon Rodeo Company sponsored last weekend’s event. This bull rider classic attracted 69 bull riders from the Four Corner area and one tough bull named Farmington. Each rider rode twice and the average score winner was Shane Thirton. This photo was published in the Jan. 20, 1995, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Christopher Baker, Tribal Chairman, presented a plaque to Matilda Santistevan, CHR, for her devoted services of time and foot work to our Tribal people. This photo was published in the Jan. 25, 1985, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Photo Credit: Beth Santistevan | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert Baker | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archive 
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