Carletta Hayes from the Cultural Preservation Department helps Dominic GoodTracks construct a wooden tipi. This photo was published in the Jan. 9, 2015, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Evelyn Burch retired after 24 years of employment with the Southern Ute Indian Tribe in Dec. During a reception in her honor, Acting Tribal Chairman Melvin J. Baker presented Evelyn with a Pendleton blanket. Other gifts and cards were presented by her colleagues. Enjoy your retirement, Evelyn! This photo was published in the Jan. 7, 2005, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
EXCELLENT BUCK – Tribal member Trinidad Pena harvested this 7 x 8-point buck. It measured 5.5” around the bases and had a spread of 36.5”. This photo was published in the Jan. 6, 1995, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Keith Thompson – part of the crew who is remodeling the old clinic building. Thompson was painting the old waiting room. This photo was published in the Jan. 11, 1985, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Beth Santistevan | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: Robert Baker | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archive 
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