Jolly Ol’ St. Nick shakes hands with Tribal elder, Annabelle Eagle. Santa made rounds among the attendees, greeting them while handing out treats to the youth. This photo was first published in the Dec. 24, 2014, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
The local youth drum group, which had yet to adopt a name, opens the Tribal Christmas Program at the Sky Ute Pavilion on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2004. This photo was first published in the Dec. 22, 2004, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
Indian Brotherhood rides for Survivors. The local motorcycle club donated Christmas toys and hygiene items to the Victim Services Program directed by Barbara Scott-Martinez. Pictured are Brotherhood members Kean and Rena Richards, Chief and Nancy Prairie Chief, Gloria Watts, Will Frost, and Randy and Marlene Baker. Jan Smith (SUPD) and Scott-Martinez are also pictured. The Brotherhood rode in memory of Roger Price. Unable to attend were Buffalo Lou, Roy and Vera O’John and Lawrence Monte. This photo was first published in the Dec. 25, 1994, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
Tribal employees and helpers sack candy. From left to right: Norman Harlan, Bonnie Baker, Jimmy Romero, Betty Eskuche, Lilly Frost, Danielle Howe, Theatis Cloud, Ms. Peters, Diane Millich, Ella Louise Weaver and Dr. Heaney. This photo first appeared in the Dec. 28, 1984, issue of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Beth Santistevan or Dave Brown | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: John Rehorn | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
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