Little Miss Southern Ute, Ollyvia Howe beams in the morning sunlight as she waves to the crowd gathered along Main Street in Ignacio, Saturday, July 26. This photo was published in the Aug. 8, 2014, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Ryan Bravo and Sylvester “Sly” Tracy look at the drawings of what the new museum might look like. The drawings were done by Jones and Jones Architects and unveiled at the Open House for the Southern Ute Culture Center and Museum. This photo was published in the Aug. 6, 2004, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
“Rocky,” Denver Nuggets Mascot, displays his warm affection towards Yvette Cuthair during their recent visit to the area. This photo was published in the Aug. 5, 1994, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
What’s computer science? – asks Jessie Olguin. Could she be concentrating on a problem or writing notes? This photo was published in the Aug. 10, 1984, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Beth Santisteven | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: Robert Baker | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archive 
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