Lindsay Box, coordinator, helps serve lunch to club members. Burgers, hot dogs, watermelon, and ice-cold drinks were served. This photo was published in the June 27, 2014, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Members of the Seven Rivers 4-H Club were doing their civic duty on June 18 south of Ignacio by picking up trash discarded on Highway 172. Although the heat made it seem more like a chore than a duty, the citizens of Ignacio and the Southern Ute tribal members appreciate the Seven Rivers 4-H group and its supervisors. This photo was published in the June 25, 2004, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
India Sage received the Elbert J. Floyd Award for the year 1994. Pictured L to R: Elbert J. Floyd Jr., Dorothy Sage, and India Sage. This photo was published in the June 10, 1994, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Marty Pinnecoose and Michelle Blue Sky Jefferson proudly display the trophy they won at the Last Gathering of Tribes in Brigham City, Utah. Marty took first place in Northern Fancy Dance Competition and also won first place in Satus Celebration in White Swan, Wash. Michelle won second place in the Little Girl Traditional Category in Brigham City. This photo was published in the June 29, 1984, issue of the Southern Ute Drum. 
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Beth Santistevan | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: Arnold Santistevan | SU Drum archive 
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archive 
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