Kayla Armstrong was crowned Miss Southern Ute by Chairman Leonard C. Burch. Pictured with Armstrong is Jr. Miss Southern Ute, Angelina Vicenti and Little Miss Southern Ute, Carol Whiteskunk. This photo first appeared in the March 5, 1993, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
Beth Santistevan along with classmates Lanay Naranjo and David Herrera show off their space ship they built while studying the planets. This photo first appeared in the March 11, 1983, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
From Feb. 28 through March 1, 2003, the SunUte Community Center hosted the Intermountain League Boys and Girls District Playoffs. The Ignacio boys won the first round and continued into the Regional Tournament, while the girls took second place in the playoffs. Pictured is Ignacio’s Olin Goodtracks and Andre Mattox setting up a press against the Centauri Falcons. This photo first appeared in the March 7, 1993, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
On Thursday, Feb. 28, students of the Ignacio School District were selected to be the first to toss dirt during the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Ignacio Elementary School. The school will be located at the site of the current Intermediate School. This photo first appeared in the March 8, 2013, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Cassandra Naranjo | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: Jimmy Newton Jr. | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: Christopher R. Rizzo | SU Drum archive
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Many Moons Ago

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