Vice-Chairwoman Vida Peabody congratulates Brandy Naranjo for her hard work as a member of the 1991-92 Southern Ute Royalty. This photo first appeared in the November 13, 2012, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
Jimmy R. Newton Jr., chairman of the Southern Ute Indian Tribal Council, stands before the Capitol Christmas tree shortly before cutting on Friday, Nov. 2. The tree, a 73-foot-tall Engelmann spruce, which grew to maturity in the Blanco Ranger District of the White River National Forest about 40 miles east of Meeker, Colo., will adorn the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol this December. The U.S. Forest Service invited elders from the three Ute tribes to offer a traditional blessing before it was cut. This photo first appeared in the November, 16, 2012, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
On November 11, 2002, a Veteran Day Gourd Dance was held to honor the veterans of the past at SunUte Community Center. Pictured is Jack Frost Jr. and Jim Jefferson honoring their comrades. This photo first appeared in the November 15, 2002, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
A dinner was hosted in honor of Linda Baker and her crowning of Miss NCAI. The dinner was attended by many Southern Ute tribal members and invited guests. Seated is Judy Knight, representative from the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe; standing is Ella Vigil, Vida Vigil and son, both are representatives from the Jicarilla Apache Tribe. This photo first appeared in the November 19, edition of the Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Arnold Santistevan | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: Ace Stryker | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: Jimmy Newton Jr. | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
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