10 Years Ago: Ute Tribal elders Austin Box and Terry Knight raise the flags at the Colorado History Museum on Saturday Jan. 20. This photo first appeared in the Feb. 2, 2007, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
20 Years Ago: Jr. High student Candace Watts feels what being a Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer is about. Capt. Cuthair, Southern Ute Wildlife and Larry Garcia, Ignacio District Wildlife Manager, gave a presentation to students about their careers. This photo first appeared in the Jan. 31, 1997, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
30 Years Ago: Southern Ute Youth Group performing at the Chili Cook-Off during Snowdown festivities. (left to right), Sheila Ryder, Betty Box (background), Sarah Hudson, Tonietta Baca and Sadie Frost. Front row- Theodosha Frost and Rhonda Frost. This photo first appeared in the Feb. 6, 1987, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Beth Santistevan | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: Roberta Cook | SU Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive
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