Tribal member Melanie Seibel participated in Fort Lewis College’s Spotlight-to-Stardom talent show. The fundraiser was held October 16 at the FLC Community Concert Hall in Durango. This is the first Four Corners Talent Search and was a benefit for the non-for-profit concert hall at FLC. There were a total of eighteen participants and they all competed for recognition from various entertainment industry judges. Melanie’s family was in attendance to cheer her on as she sang “Love Will Keep Us Together” by The Captain and Tennille. Melanie said she was extremely nervous about performing in front of so many people but she had a blast doing it anyway. Way to go Mel!!
Candidates Byron Frost and Roger Phelps take a break during the Ignacio School Board Candidates Forum.
Meet the Candidates Night was held Monday, Oct. 28 in the Southern Ute Community Center with around 65 people in attendance. Sitting L-R, William Thompson, Guy Pinnecoose Jr, (standing) Annabelle Eagle, sitting, John Baker Jr. and Leonard C. Burch. By the time you read this the election will be over and the selection of two council members will be final. The next event will be the Swearing-in ceremonies which usually takes place on the first Tuesday in December.
Photo Credit: Todd Newcomer
Photo Credit: John Rehorn | Drum Archives
Photo Credit: Drum Archives

Many moons ago…
Friday - October 30, 2015 by Staff report | The Southern Ute Drum