Tribe to hold ‘active threat’ training scenarios in Ignacio Oct. 10-13
Casino, Tribal Campus designated for live training exercise
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe is hosting a mandatory active shooter/violent intruder training for employees in collaboration with Louisiana State University’s National Center for Biomedical Research & Training and FEMA. The exercise, “Surviving an Active Threat: Run. Hide. Fight” will play out over several weeks beginning October 2 with all day sessions at the Sky Ute Casino Resort, followed by live training scenarios across Tribal Campus from Tuesday, Oct. 10 through Friday, Oct. 13.
“This is a large and critical undertaking for the Tribe and reflects the deep commitment of Tribal Council to protect the health, safety and welfare of its full community including all employees,” said Don Brockus, Risk and Emergency Manager for the Southern Ute Indian Tribe.
The Run. Hide. Fight. course aims to train non-traditional first responders, including civilian employees, students, faculty, staff, patrons, and any other individuals, who live, work, or visit any location where an active threat incident may occur. The course focuses on the various components of the Run. Hide. Fight. response paradigm, which is widely accepted and taught as one of the primary response paradigms regarding active threat incidents. Participants will learn about ways the Run. Hide. Fight. response paradigm can be applied in any active threat incident, regardless of the location or other factors involved.
This course is designed for presentation over one day. Total instructional time is eight hours for five standard modules. The course is structured to cover five modules of which the first three are in classroom training (Oct. 2 – Oct. 6) and the last two modules are site based (Oct. 10-Oct. 13).
Module 4 in particular is the practical exercise where participants will participate in various active threat incident scenarios. They will receive information and apply the principles of the Run. Hide. Fight. response paradigm appropriately. The module is intended to prompt participants to quickly process the information received and respond accordingly using the skills taught in the course. Following each scenario, instructors will conduct a hotwash in which participants are evaluated on their response actions and are able to ask any questions that they may have. By the end of this module, participants will be able to apply the Run. Hide. Fight. response paradigm based on active threat incident characteristics.
Practical exercise statement
Participants will process information and apply the Run. Hide. Fight. response paradigm for a given active threat incident. Scenarios include simulated gunfire, screams and shouts, and use of various weapons. Using the information from this course, participants will appropriately run, hide, and/or fight based on the information they have received. Instructors will evaluate response actions among participants and provide feedback as needed.