Colorado Governor Jared Polis visited the Southern Ute Reservation on Saturday, May 15, to meet with Tribal Council. The quick discussion included the State of Colorado and the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and covered broadband, challenges with law enforcement, substance abuse, and lack of resources for treatment.  Tribal leaders also shared concerns with the language loss and mental health. “We share some of the same challenges, and will continue to work together to find solutions,” Polis expressed.  
 The largest agenda item was regarding the current drought and delivery of water to tribal and non-tribal water users. “The current drought is highly concerning to farmers, but also due to the threat of catastrophic wildfires on the Reservation,” said Chairman Melvin J. Baker.
Photo Credit: Lindsay Box | SU Council Affairs
Photo Credit: Lindsay Box | SU Council Affairs
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Polis makes in-person visit to Tribe

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