Kinders level up to first grade!
Friday - May 22, 2020 by Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
As the 2019-2020 school year winds down across the country, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ignacio Elementary School’s Kindergarten teachers and staff honored their graduating students, with a graduation parade, Friday, May 15. With Chromebooks collected and library books returned, the teachers had pictures taken with the 60+ students — safety being a top priority.