Lorelei Cloud is sworn into tribal council by chief judge, Chantel Cloud on Tuesday, Dec. 1.
Alex Cloud is sworn into tribal council by chief judge, Chantel Cloud.
Bettie Box keeps in tune during a song of blessing.
Chantel Cloud congratulates the two elected candidates.
Paul Larose from the Northern Ute Tribe dedicates a song to the elected council members.
David Boyd along with members of the Native American Youth Organization (NAYO) gives their blessings.
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
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Tribe welcomes new council members

The Southern Ute Indian Tribe hosted the annual Inauguration Ceremony for incoming Southern Ute Indian Tribal Council members on Tuesday, Dec. 1 in Council Chambers.

Council Candidates Lorelei Cloud and Alex S. Cloud earned the majority vote in the Nov. 6 election securing them the council seats. Upon being elected new council members are installed into office on the first Tuesday of December following their election ­– circumstances vary for special elections.

“It’s good to have young people come to serve on [Tribal] Council … learn from the elders, listen, don’t get mad,” Frost said to the incoming council members, “It’s not an easy job, its hard to face all the obstacles coming towards the tribe.”

Lorelei Cloud most recently comes from working at the Southern Ute Growth Fund’s Red Willow Production Company where she served as Land Assistant Supervisor and served on the Southern Ute Growth Fund’s Art Committee, the Tribal Member Employment Advisory Committee (TMEAC), and the Traveling Team.

“Thanks to those who believed in me, I’m honored … it’s a great honor and privilege to be here I can’t wait to get started,” she said. “I really want our people to think about how our future really can be. Our future is limitless, our only limit is ourselves.”

Ms. Cloud said that culture; language and youth are high on her priority list.

“We need to make sure [the youth] are empowered and know their culture … our youth is our future.”

Chairman Frost, welcomed Ms. Cloud to Tribal Council.

“You have good qualities about you, I hope that you work strongly with Tribal Council,” he said.

Treasurer James M. Olguin offered words of advice to Council Lady Cloud.

“Follow your heart,” Olguin told her in reference to making decisions that will affect the membership.

From the fellow woman on Council, Amy J. Barry said it would be an honor to serve with Ms. Cloud.

Alex S. Cloud returns to Council for his third term and will be one of the more seasoned council members on Tribal Council.

“I’m very proud to be a Southern Ute Indian tribal member. We’re Nuuciu,” he said.

Councilman Cloud said he thinks highly of the council seated now and through the debates and disagreements that Tribal Council must walk out at the end of each day together, as a team.

“We have to be accountable, we will be accountable so the youth can have something for the future,” Councilman Cloud said.

Olguin said it is going to be, “a breath of fresh air,” having Councilman Cloud back on Council.

Frost added that he appreciates Mr. Cloud’s time in office.

“You have three more years and I look forward to working with you on getting things done on behalf of the membership,” Frost said.

Chairman Frost also announced that he had not decided on who will be replacing Ramona Y. Eagle as his vice chair.

The next council member terms that are set to expire in 2016 are Councilman Olguin and Councilman Melvin J. Baker.


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