Fort Lewis Soccer players load up their plates with meat from Serious Texas BBQ just after hanging out with SunUte youth athletes at the meet and greet on Tuesday, Oct. 16.
Keona Whitey tests out her football skills while
John Oberly decides which Serious Texas BBQ sauce he wants to use while grabbing food at the meet and greet with Fort Lewis College athletes in the SunUte Gymnasium on Tuesday, Oct. 16.
2018 SunUte youth athlete, Kieley White Thunder fills her cup with lemon infused water at the meet and greet which was hosted for families and their athlete to come and interact with Fort Lewis Collegiate athletes on Tuesday, Oct. 16.
2018 SunUte youth soccer player, Kodi Rima shares stories with players from the Fort Lewis Girls Soccer team while eating Serious Texas BBQ on Tuesday, Oct. 16.
Fort Lewis Girls Soccer players give Kieley White Thunder and Jaelon Alston some pointers at the meet and greet for the collegiate athletes on Tuesday, Oct. 16 in the SunUte gym.
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum

FLC Athletes grace SunUte
Friday - October 26, 2018 by McKayla Lee | The Southern Ute Drum