Southern Ute tribal member and MMIR Task Force of Colorado member, Daisy Bluestar gives words of encouragement to the survivors of the Indian Boarding School era and talks about her family history around boarding school violence.
Alston Turtle, Ute Mountain Ute Council Treasurer welcomes guests and local Natives to the Denver Indian Center. Councilman Turtle shows his support for this bill, the survivors and how this bill will positively affect Colorado tribes.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis signs the Indian Boarding School Bill HB24-1444 at the Denver Indian Center, Thursday, May 23. Boarding school survivors and their families watch him sign this momentous bill into law. This bill allocates $1 million to continue research at Indian Boarding Schools in Colorado over the next three years.
Photo Credit: courtesy Trennie Burch
Photo Credit: courtesy Trennie Burch
Photo Credit: courtesy Trennie Burch
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Polis signs Boarding School Bill

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