
State announces $19 Million in clean energy funding for rural communities 

Photo Credit: Cloe Seibel | SU Drum

Colorado U.S. Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper welcomed $18.83 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) for agriculture producers and rural small businesses across Colorado to lower energy costs, expand access to clean energy, and fight climate change. This was funded in part by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which Bennet and Hickenlooper helped pass last year. The Rural Energy for America Program helps agricultural producers and rural small businesses purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements. 

“We can’t make the transition to a clean energy economy without rural communities playing a vital role,” said Bennet. “This funding is a recognition that rural communities are central to our transition to a clean energy economy. By investing in Colorado’s small businesses and family farms and ranches, we can cut greenhouse gas emissions, drive rural economic growth, and lower energy costs for all Coloradans.” 

“Our Inflation Reduction Act is helping provide almost $19 million dollars to Colorado farmers and ranchers to make sure their businesses grow right alongside our clean energy economy,” said Hickenlooper. “From turning manure into renewable energy to using solar power to irrigate crops, America’s agricultural producers are the original climate innovators.”  

“Creating opportunity for rural communities means investing in farmers, ranchers, and small businesses,” said USDA Secretary Vilsack. “A key pillar of Bidenomics, President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is ensuring our producers and business owners are not only a part of the clean energy economy but are directly benefiting from it. These once-in-a-generation investments in renewable energy, like wind and solar, and energy efficient technologies create new markets and deliver real cost savings for our small and mid-sized agricultural operations and Main Street businesses, building and keeping wealth in rural America.” 

Bennet has consistently fought for robust funding for USDA’s rural clean energy programs including the Rural Energy for America Program. In December, Bennet and Hickenlooper welcomed $425,000 in REAP funding for rural small businesses in Colorado following Bennet’s urging that USDA quickly distribute clean energy funds from the IRA to rural communities in innovative, flexible ways. 

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