
Makerspace news highlights the Repair Cafe

Ignacio Community Library, ICL Logo, ICL art
Photo Credit: Ignacio Community Library

The big maker news comes from Colorado as Governor Polis signed the first in the nation “Right to Repair” bill into law. With an emphasis on agriculture, the new law seeks to give farmers and ranchers the ability to acquire manuals and tools to repair their own equipment, especially tractors, in a timely manner. 

Makerspaces have long been at the forefront of the notion that we should try to repair more of the equipment we own. This makes for true ownership of the device, learning from the processes and mistakes while creating less waste and reducing our harm to the land. 

The objective of the makerspace at ICL is to teach customers how to use new technology, learn skills, and diagnose and handle problems. Recently however, we have had a number of patrons who have asked us to attempt repairs on various pieces of equipment, and although we love learning and have been mostly successful, this is probably not the best use of precious staff time nor does this fall in line with our goals. However, we recognize the need and realize it can be intimidating to tackle a project for which you have little knowledge or experience nor the tools to see a successful outcome. 

With this aim in mind, the Ignacio Community Library is planning on implementing regularly scheduled “repair cafes” as soon as we can round up volunteers and determine the best times for the events. A repair cafe is a low-key meeting where neighbors can repair their broken items with the support of specialists in a relaxed atmosphere. Think of it as a mixture of social event and workshop. Even folks who do not have any items to repair but are interested in learning new skills are welcome.  

Repair Cafe is an international organization that helps local groups host events and provides information, best practices, paperwork and supports a website. 

If the Repair Cafe sounds like an idea that would interest you or if you have a suggestion for days and times for scheduling these events, please contact Ron or other staff at the library. Also please remember that the library not only will take your book donations but is also interested in electronics of all types including wire, cords, and adapters. Makerspace hours are Fridays and Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m. and other times by appointment. 

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