
KnowBe4: Post-it Notes are not for passwords

Photo Credit: Courtesy KnowBe4

Do you keep your login and password information written down on Post-it Notes or pieces of paper near your desk? If so, you should dispose of these notes by following your organization’s document disposal policy. If your organization doesn’t have this policy, then you should use a paper shredder to dispose of the note. Do not place it directly in a trash bin. 

While remembering login information and passwords for all your accounts may seem difficult, writing down passwords on a piece of paper or on a Post-it Note is dangerous. If cybercriminals find your passwords, they may be able to log in to your computer and gain access to your organization’s network. 

Try to create passwords that are easy for you to remember but hard for other people to guess. Or try using a password manager to help you safely manage your passwords. If you need help keeping your passwords safe, contact your IT team or review your organization’s password policies. 

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