March is Women’s History Month and at ICL we’re observing this by creating an exhibit of women’s influences, contributions, and achievements. We hope you’ll stop by and see the exhibit and the books, movies, and more that we’ve curated for our patrons. There’s so much interesting information available about women’s roles in our societies.
Once again, I’m happy to learn about the amazing people in our community and their stories. From Southern Ute Tribal Council including Vice-Chairwoman Ramona Eagle to Paralympians, teachers, entrepreneurs, it has been exciting to hear about powerful women in our midst.
The stories of the women in our display as well as the stories on our shelves by and about women encourage, uplift and inspire me to live fully, trying new things and reaching for new adventures and opportunities.
Through the display I’ve learned about local women who run their own businesses, who have overcome difficulties, and who reinvented themselves as their worlds changed.
From the books on our shelves this last year I’ve read about the wives of astronauts, the female “computers” who worked on the space program, and government leaders. And while I don’t aspire to these particular heights, I do aspire to do my work well, to be a leader where I can; reading these stories pushes me to do my best in my endeavors. The theme of our display is women empowering women; we would love to hear about the women in your life who inspire you, who have helped you become your best self.
The women we’ve highlighted in our display are local ladies, they might just be your neighbors! If you would like to add someone to our display please see the folks at the service desk.