
New electric vehicle charging station in Bayfield

Located in the Bayfield Town Hall parking lot, the Level 2 charging station is half a mile from Highway 160, one of the EV charging corridors identified by the Colorado Energy Office.
Photo Credit: LPEA

Bayfield residents and visitors alike now have free, 24/7 access to a local electric vehicle charging station, thanks to a partnership between the Town of Bayfield and La Plata Electric Association (LPEA).

Located in the Bayfield Town Hall parking lot, the Level 2 charging station is half a mile from Highway 160, one of the EV charging corridors identified by the Colorado Energy Office. The station allows up to two vehicles to charge simultaneously and can deliver a full charge in approximately four hours.

“In the past, we would receive inquiries regarding access to local EV charging stations, and we would have to tell people to go elsewhere,” said Bayfield Town Manager Katie Sickles. “With the new charging station, we gain the opportunity to market our community to visitors and to provide a valuable service to locals as well.”

The project was funded by a grant from Charge Ahead Colorado, and by LPEA, to support the future of electric vehicles in the area. The station is open 24-hours a day and will be free of charge until Labor Day 2021. After that, it will cost 6.2 cents per kWh between 9 p.m. and 4 p.m. (Off-Peak hours) and 26 cents per kWh between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. (On-Peak hours).

“LPEA aims to support our community and shape the future we want through local partnerships and forward-thinking initiatives like this,” said LPEA CEO Jessica Matlock. “This project has the triple benefit of delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits to Bayfield and the broader community. We are thrilled we could help make this happen.”

LPEA is a member-owned, not-for-profit, electric distribution cooperative serving La Plata and Archuleta, with segments of Hinsdale, Mineral, and San Juan counties. LPEA is the fifth largest cooperative of 22 in Colorado, and aims to provide safe, reliable electricity at the lowest reasonable cost to its approximately 34,500 members. For additional information, contact LPEA at 970.247.5786 or visit

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