Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colo. – Please see below for the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s ‘Stay at Home’ Advisory. Through the advisory, the Tribe reaffirms the importance of slowing down the spread of COVID-19. The Tribe urges all residents of the Reservation to do their part by staying at home unless it is to engage in an essential activity.
What does it mean when we say it is ok to engage in an essential activity? Here are some guidelines.
1. You should not engage in in any public or private gatherings of more than five people except if those individuals are direct family members or children or elders under your care.
2. You should not engage in any travel outside the home except for:
· Care for elders, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or other vulnerable people.
· Going to or from educational facilities to support distance learning or to get meals or related services.
· Travel required by law enforcement or court order.
· To obtain medical supplies or medication or to visit a health-care professional for yourself, a family member or a pet.
· To get supplies to work from home.
· To buy food, pet supplies and essential household products for yourself, a household member or a family member.
· To go to work in an essential business or service as determined by your employer or a governmental authority.
· To engage in outdoor activities like walking, hiking, biking, running or walking a dog. You must maintain a safe social distance from others. Group sports are prohibited.
· To care for a family member or pet in another household.
· To engage in banking or other financial transactions.
Tribal Council is continuously assessing and taking necessary measures to respond to this rapidly-changing and serious public health emergency. At this time the Tribal Council is encouraging voluntary compliance with these instructions. Should it be necessary to protect public health, the Tribal Council will consider a mandatory stay at home order. For that reason, the Southern Ute Indian Tribal Council urges all tribal members to listen for radio announcements, check the Tribe’s official Facebook site, or call the Call Center at 970.563.0214 for the most-up-to-date information. The Tribe will make every effort to keep the membership informed.