At times it was a long four weeks and a lot of trips to Denver, but on Thursday, Aug. 15 Teresa Bagdol, PF Risk Management Division, Risk Coordinator, graduated from the Basic Academy in Centennial, Colo., the Basic Academy consisted of L0101: Foundations of Emergency Management [80 HOURS] 10 days; L0102: Science of Disaster [~24 hours] 3 days; L0103: Planning: Emergency Operations [16 hours] 2 days; L0146: HSEEP Basic Course [16 hours] 2 days and L0105: Public Information and Warning [16 hours] 2 days. Total Course Hours: 152. Teresa represented the Tribe and was able to speak towards tribal sovereignty and culture. “It was an honor for me to represent the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and expand my knowledge about emergency management and be able to come back to the Tribe and apply what I’ve learned,” she said. Teresa graduated with 44 other students from across the state of Colorado that represented many different professions such as law enforcement, EMS, Human Services, state and county governments, etc. Teresa would like to thank the Southern Ute Tribe and her supervisor, Donald Brockus for their investment in providing this opportunity.
National Emergency Management Basic Academy Graduate

Photo Credit: Courtesy of: Teresa Bagdol