Notice is hereby given that five Title V Operating Permit renewal applications have been submitted to the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s Environmental Programs Division’s Air Quality Program, P.O. Box 737 MS#84, Ignacio, Colorado 81137, for the following sources of air pollution:
Applicant: BP America Production Company
Facility: Four Queens Central Delivery Point
Section 26, T33N R11W, 20 miles west of Ignacio, Colorado
This source is a natural gas compression facility.
Applicant: Red Cedar Gathering Company
Facility: Animas Compressor Station
Section 1, T33N R10W, 14 miles west of Ignacio, Colorado
This source is a natural gas compression facility.
Applicant: Red Cedar Gathering Company
Facility: Capote Compressor Station
Section 33, T33N R9W, 11 miles southwest of Ignacio, Colorado
This source is a natural gas compression facility.
Applicant: Red Cedar Gathering Company
Facility: Elk Point Compressor Station
Section 1, T33N R10W, 8 miles southwest of Ignacio, Colorado
This source is a natural gas compression facility.
Applicant: Public Service Company of Colorado
Facility: Tiffany Compressor Station
Section 4, T32N R6W, 8 miles southeast of Ignacio, Colorado
This source is a natural gas transmission facility.
The Air Quality Program (AQP) has prepared the draft Title V operating permits based on the information submitted by the applicants. The draft permits and accompanying statement of basis are available on the AQP’s website at, and at the Environmental Programs Division office at 71 Mike Frost Way, Ignacio CO, 81137 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any interested person may submit written comments on the draft permits and request a hearing. Written comments and requests for hearings may be sent to the AQP in care of Danny Powers, Air Quality Program Manager, at P.O. Box 737 MS#84, Ignacio, Colorado 81137; or emailed to Any hearing request should: 1) identify the individual or group requesting the hearing, 2) state his or her address and phone number, and 3) state the reason(s) for the request. Notice of any public hearing will be provided at least 30 days in advance of the hearing. The AQP will consider the written public comments and requests for a hearing until June 24, 2018.
RELEASED TO: Southern Ute Drum on PUBLISHED: May 31, 2018 & June 8, 2018
May 31, 2018