10 Years Ago: 12 Gauge sings an honor song for Misty Ryder, (Clockwise from top): Jimmy Newton Jr., Tim Ryder, Ian Thompson, Jonas Nanaeto, Jake Ryder, Tyson Thompson, unidentified, Jonathan Chavarillo, Elias Maez, Diamond Morgan, Darrius Smith, Dustin Teague, Sammy Burch, RC Lucero.
This photo first appeared in the June 22, 2007, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
20 Years Ago: You are out! T-ball league player Mark Garcia hustles to first base just seconds before opposing team player, Micah Lucero touches the base.
This photo first appeared in the June 20, 1997, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.
Photo Credit: Su Drum archive
Photo Credit: SU Drum archive

Many Moons Ago
Friday - June 23, 2017 by Staff report | The Southern Ute Drum