
Regular Meeting restructured

2017 Southern Ute Tribal Council (l-r) Kevin Frost, Al Cloud (Vice Chair), Amy J. Barry, Clement J. Frost (Chairman), Lorelei Cloud, Adam Red, and Tyson Thompson.
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum

Southern Ute Tribal Council has long recognized that business is continuously being conducted by all Tribal entities, but historically the Regular Meeting has centered exclusively on the Permanent Fund and Executive Office updates. In an effort to be increasingly efficient and all-inclusive, Tribal Council has modified the existing format beginning in January, to incorporate action items and executive level updates from the Growth Fund, Sky Ute Casino Resort, and Southern Ute Shared Services (SUSS) during the 2nd and 4th week of each month.

The new design will be beneficial for communication across all operations to allow for support and collaboration among entities and Council oversight in one setting, as opposed to several scattered meetings on Council’s calendar. As always, the tribal membership is encouraged to attend the regular meetings and with this new structure, can now acquire a wider overview of current business matters. Regular Meeting agendas are posted on the tribal member only website each Friday prior to the meeting held on Tuesday.


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