A burglary ring began to unravel last week with the help of alert community members calling the Southern Ute Police Department regarding suspicious activity. The burglars were caught in the act and it may not be over yet. Numerous burglaries are being traced back to the ring and the investigation may show that other members of the ring are still active in our area.
Our community needs to be on the alert because other property has been taken from our area since the first suspects were apprehended. We believe that the ring was active in other areas of La Plata County and now they are focusing their crime on areas of the Southern Ute Reservation. If you are curious and not sure if something may be happening on your property, you might be able to find out. A security camera, a game camera or a web-based camera might capture the activity or put your suspicions at ease.
We are asking people to watch for suspicious activity and to secure all their windows and doors. Do not leave keys in vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs and farm equipment. Pay extra attention if your animals are disturbed at night. Lock gates and barns to prevent easy access. The Southern Ute Police Department wants you and your property to be safe and secure. If you see suspicious activity please call the Southern Ute Police Department at 563-4401 or 911.