Safety is no accident. It’s a choice we need to make throughout our entire lives. Whether it’s driving without passengers as a newly licensed teen, finding alternatives to prescription painkillers in middle-age or fall-proofing the bathroom as an older adult, we’re all empowered to make safe decisions for ourselves and those we care about.
In its third year the tribe has participated in the National Safety Council sponsored National Safety Month events for the month of June. This year’s weekly topics included:
Week 1: Stand Ready to Respond
Week 2: Be Healthy
Week 3: Watch Out for Dangers
Week 4: Share Roads Safely
Led by the tribe’s Risk Management Division it was a collaborative effort with other Departments and Divisions to provide an array of safety material all month long. Some of which included hanging safety banners around every location of the Permanent Fund campus, a display table up in the Hall of Warriors all month long, Departments and Divisions completing weekly safety talks with their staff, CPR & First Aid, Body Management, Ergonomics and Wellness trainings offered to staff as well as catching employees in the act of working safely. Risk Management would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s event and most importantly for standing up for safety – not only in the workplace, but also at home, on the roads and in your communities. When we choose safety, we make a commitment to keep ourselves and loved ones safe from unintentional – and preventable – injury and death.