Sunshine Cloud Youth Advisory Council
- Jimmy Newton Jr. Youth Leadership Conference held in 06/2015
- Formal Introduction of Youth Council to General Membership at General Meeting
- Shadowing Tribal Council with SCSYAC member for the summer
- SCSYAC attended Unity Leadership Conference in Washington DC with report given to Tribal Council
- Skate Park Work Session with SunUte Staff and Site Visits
- Networking with State Officials to address Education Initiatives through CCIA
- Ute Museum Expansion Presentation and Request for Input Completed
- Tribal Health Philosphy discussion for future expansion
- Gardening Initiative with Marge Borst and the Bison Education Program
- Disbursement of School Supplies to Students at Hall of Warriors
PowWow Committee
- Planning of Bear Dance PowWow with Committee
- Attended Bear Dance PowWow
- Attend meetings as schedule allows due to conflicts with SCSYAC and SUCCM Board Meetings
AAIHB (Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board)
- Attended monthly meetings with the exception of July
- Attended IHS/HHS Consultations regarding Direct Services
- Provided AAIHB w/monthly updates on SUIT Health Dept/Clinic status
- Audit Presentation and Approval to the Board
- Marketing Plan Presentation – Lamar Advertising
- Proposed By-Law Edits presented by D. Lorrigan for Review
- Election of Secretary/Treasurer – Phil Price
- Maximizing Fundraising/Philanthropic Activities
- Reviewed Applications for Director and Tabled until MOA is approved
- Work Session with Tribal Council on future of SUCCM