The Community Health Education and Resiliency Program (CHERP) at the Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. (AAIHB), will host the Reimagine Youth Wellness: A Caring Adults Summit, from Nov. 8-9, 2023 at the Hilton Downtown Santa Fe. The summit will focus on innovative ways to support youth in Native communities with the underlying goal of reducing risks related to suicide and substance use. The purpose of the summit is two-fold:
1) To educate adults who work with Native youth about programs, strategies, models, and frameworks that promote positive outcomes for youth; and
2) To build community and strengthen our networks for supporting each other in this work.
Presenters have been selected for their expertise in issues that impact Native youth, and alternative approaches that are strengths based and trauma informed. We are building an engaging, informative, and motivating agenda, that will provide new tools and insights that will help adults improve their ability to support and care for our youth.
Any adults who work with youth are welcome to attend including teachers, administrators, coaches, after-school program staff, social workers, and more.
Summit registration is free for all participants. Registration is open and available online. Additional information, including registration and lodging, can be found on the summit website: Updates will be posted on our social media platforms at