Celebrating Recovery
Friday - October 11, 2019 by Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
The Pena family enjoys the food provided by the Southern Ute Wellness Court – hamburgers and hotdogs, grilled by Southern Ute Tribal Judge, Scott Moore and Southern Ute Resource officer, Don Folsom, complete with all the fixins’.
Yellow Jacket sing an honor song to begin the Wellness Court Dinner in honor of Recovery Month. The inaugural community celebration dinner of wellness and health was held in the Southern Ute Multi-Purpose Facility, Wednesday, Sept. 25.
Esther Belin, Addictions Counselor, CAC II and Guardian Ad Litem with the Southern Ute Tribal Court reads aloud self-affirmations of what recovery means to those who shared their own definition.
Wellness Court graduate, Venessa Carel talks about her road to recovery, speaking of her late mother Ernie Watts, and how she found support from friends and family members on her road to sobriety.
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum