The Drug Court movement in the late 1980’s spurred an alternative to criminal consequences relating to crimes committed while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. As a result, numerous tribes created Healing to Wellness Courts that draws on tribal cultural components and strengths.
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe tüüÇai Court combines tribal traditions, spiritual healing practices, and tribal fundamental beliefs and values to administer justice. The Healing to Wellness Court operates like a Drug Court as it integrates substance use disorder treatment with the criminal justice system to provide clients with judicially supervised treatment and transitional services through the use of intense supervision, sanctions and incentives, and drug testing in a non-punitive setting.
The goal of the tüüÇai Court is to help clients walk a substance-free path with the support of family, friends and community members. It is designed to help solve problems and to create community health. The tüüÇai Court has been in existence since the early 2000’s and continues to operate with a Healing to Wellness Core and Treatment Teams.
In momentum with fostering community health, the tüüÇai Court will be hosting a dinner at the Southern Ute Multi-Purpose Facility on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 6p.m. to celebrate Recovery Month. All who are in support of community health by living substance-free are invited as well as any past participate. The tüüÇai Court Team wishes to outreach and create connections to strengthen aftercare recovery opportunities in the community. Walking the Red Road is possible.
The main speaker of the event will be a past tüüÇai Court graduate who now serves on the Core Team. Please contact Esther Belin at 970-563-2875 for more information.